Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
Dr. Guido Birkner, F.A.Z. Business Media GmbH

Dr. Guido Birkner is the Editor-in-Chief of dpn – Deutsche Pensions- und Investmentnachrichten at F.A.Z. BUSINESS MEDIA GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of F.A.Z. GmbH based in Frankfurt am Main. He has been working with the F.A.Z. group since 2000. After studying history in Cologne and Heidelberg with a focus on Eastern Europe and economic history, he initially worked as a research associate at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg. In 2000, he joined the F.A.Z. Institute as a trainee and subsequently became an editor for the magazine “FINANCE.” In 2002, he transitioned within the F.A.Z. Institute to the Business and Management Services division, later working in the Studies and Market Research department.
From 2014 to 2020, Dr. Birkner served as the responsible editor for Human Resources at F.A.Z. BUSINESS MEDIA GmbH. Starting in July 2019, he took on responsibility for all projects related to occupational pension schemes and pension management at dpn, initially as head of department and, as of January 1, 2021, as senior editor for dpn. On October 1, 2022, he assumed the position of Editor-in-Chief of dpn.
Dr. Birkner currently publishes on topics related to asset management and pension management. He also designs and moderates events such as the “dpn Assets & Liabilities Convention” and the “Swiss Pension Forum.” He is the author of over 80 predominantly survey-based studies on various economic and financial topics, including the study series “Occupational Pension Schemes in SMEs” (since 2011). Additionally, he edits professional books, such as the series “bAV” (since 2015) and “Guide to Company Car and Mobility Management” (2004–2020).
As the responsible editor for Human Resources, he published the “F.A.Z. Personaljournal” and developed the online magazine “COMP & BEN.” He also organized and moderated events such as the “German Human Resources Summit” and the “Practice Forum Compensation Strategy,” as well as webinars on compensation and benefits topics. Today, Dr. Birkner continues to speak and moderate at events within and outside the F.A.Z. group.