Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
The Board
The board members manage the organisation and represent it in and outside courts of justice in accordance with paragraph 26 BGB. The representation is effected through the Chairman and one of the Co-Chairmen. The Board of Directors consists of seven persons, appointed for two years.
Within the board, the activities and duties of the association are divided into the following:
- Legal
- Alternative Markets
- Human Resources
- Public Relations
- Education/Science
- Events
- Investors Advisory Board
- Finance
The board members are:

Achim Pütz is founder and chairman of the Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. and was a council member of the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) for many years. He is the author of numerous articles for investment and insurance regulatory publications and a sought-after speaker at industry events.
Mr. Pütz is responsible for the departments legal and investors advisory board...read more

Britta Bene (Co-Chairman) is a partner at Mainstay Human Capital Advisors, an executive search boutique specializing in private markets. Previously, she was a Partner at Indigo Headhunters, where she led the Alternative Investments practice.
Ms Bene is responsible for the departments human resources and further education...read more

Andreas Binder (Co-Chairman) joined VHV Group / WAVE Management AG in 2004 and is Head of Alternative Investments since 2009. Previously Mr. Binder worked as portfolio manager in Private Equity (2007-2009) and Assistant to the CFO/CIO (2004-2007). Mr. Binder started his career as a trainee with E.ON..
Mr. Binder is treasurer and responsible for the departments Investor Advisory Board & Events...read more

Dr Peter Brodehser (Co-Chairman) is a seasoned alternative investment executive with about 20 years' experience in the banking and institutional market. He has extensive experience in structuring infrastructure and renewable energy transactions.
Dr Peter Brodehser is responsible for events and the investors advisory board...read more

Matthias Erb (Co-Chairman) is a partner at StepStone (and former Swiss Capital) for over 20 years. He’s advising institutional investors in strategic, portfolio and structural requirements related to tailormade private market solutions.
Mr. Erb is responsible for the departments alternative markets and public relations...read more
Andreas Kalusche (Co-Chairman) is CEO of Prime Capital AG in Frankfurt. He has been working there since August 2014 and is responsible for Investor coverage, distribution and solutions including international markets, public relations (incl. external appearance / marketing / communication) as well as the project management team.
Mr. Kalusche is responsible for the departements public relations and alternative markets...read more

Prof. Dr. Rolf Tilmes (Co-Chairman) is responsible as Academic Director for executive education activities in the field of Finance, Wealth Management and Sustainability Management at the EBS Executive School of EBS University of Economics and Law, Wiesbaden /Rheingau (EBS).
Prof. Dr. Tilmes is responsible for the departments education and HR...read more