Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
BAI Investors Advisory Board
Through its Investors Advisory Board, BAI aims to improve and intensify the dialogue with investors, supervisory authorities, and politicians. The aim is to involve investors in the work of the association on a political and technical level, to involve them as a source of ideas, contact persons and decision-making bodies, and as an advocate for AI topics vis-à-vis politics, supervisory authorities, and the media. The Advisory Board works to improve market integrity, transparency, and governance in the AI industry and provides an institutionalized platform for dialogue within the association with investors and among investors themselves.
The Investor Advisory Board also plays an active role in our events, for example at the BAI Alternative Investor Conference, which has been established for many years; on the one hand in the thematic design of the conferences, on the other hand in panel discussions and investor workshops.
The Investor Advisory Board currently consists of seven members.
Armin Beerwart, Head of Alternative Investments, W&W Asset Management GmbH
After his study of Business Administration, Armin Beerwart was responsible for Controlling and Administration in the finance department at Württembergische Versicherung. After his transfer to W&W Asset Management, he took part ... mehr
Dajana Brodmann, E.ON SE
Since November 2015, Mrs. Brodmann is working for E.ON- concern in the field of Asset Management and is as the head of CTA responsible for investments in Private Equity and Infrastructure. Mrs. Brodmann is a member of the Investment ... mehr
Stefan Hentschel, Head of Pension Asset Management, Evonik Industries AG.
Mr. Hentschel is head of pension asset management at Degussa and Evonik Pensionstreuhand e.V. He is board member for capital investments in both Asset Pools. After his traineeship in finance and completing his studies in Business ... mehr
Martin Koneberg, Head of Alternative Investments, Bayerische Versorgungskammer
Martin Koneberg has been responsible for investments in equities and alternative risk premiums at the Bavarian Pension Chamber (BVK) since January 2021. His main areas of expertise include global equity investments, convertible bonds, and ...... mehr

Sabine Mahnert, Abteilungsleiterin Kapitalanlagen, Evangelische Zusatzversorgungskasse in Darmstadt (EZVK)
Sabine Mahnert has been head of the investment department of the Evangelische Zusatzversorgungskasse in Darmstadt (EZVK) since January 2020...... mehr
Rainer Maucher, Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung
Mr. Maucher is part of an asset management service at Hertie-Stiftung since 2001. In 2014 he was announced to the managing director and therefore directs the sectors asset management, accounting, controlling, and administration ... mehr

Sascha Pinger, Managing Director, Versorgungswerk der Wirtschaftsprüfer
Sascha Pinger has been working for the Versorgungswerk der Wirtschaftsprüfer und der vereidigten Buchprüfer in Nordrhein-Westfalen (UPU) since 2009. As Managing Director, he is responsible, for the UPU's entire asset management. Prior to joining the UPU... mehr