Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Investor Survey 2024

Part Three: Entry points and sentiment barometer

This is the third part of our video series we take a closer look at how LPs allocate into each alternative asset class and what have changed in the past two years. At the end we want to take a look at the BAI Sentiment Barometer, what are the assessments of the private markets?


German Insurance Companies 2024: Sophisticated Investors in the Global Alternatives Market

Wie unterscheiden sich Versicherungsunternehmen von anderen Investorentypen in Deutschland bezüglicher alternativer Investments?
Worin unterscheiden sich die Investments deutscher Versicherungsunternehmen von internationalen Mitbewerbern?
Welche Unterschiede gibt es zwischen verschiedenen Versicherertypen?
Die neue BAI Studie beantwortet diese Fragen und noch mehr und gibt auf Basis quantitativer und qualitativer Forschung ein Update zur Rolle alternativer Investments für deutsche Versicherungsunternehmen.

Part Two: Main drivers for investing in alternatives

In Teil 2 erfahren Sie in aller Kürze welche Haupttreiber Investoren in ein Investment in die jeweilige Assetklasse bewegen. Unterscheiden sich die Gründe für eine Assetklasse zwischen Investoren und Asset Managern?

Part One: Shifts in asset allocation?

The BAI has once again published its Investor Survey. In a short video series, we would like to summarise the core results briefly and concisely. The first part starts with an assessment of what is currently driving the industry.


Infrastructure 2024 Between Short-term Headwinds and Strong Long-term Tailwinds

Market study on the infrastructure asset class published with a special focus on the role of infrastructure in the portfolios of German institutional investors.

Insurance Companies in Alternative Investments 2023

Current macroeconomic conditions pose significant challenges for insurance companies in generating underwriting income. Considering these challenges, the role of investment income has become increasingly critical. In this analysis, we delve into the hurdles insurance companies face and how these factors influence their strategic asset allocation (SAA) and investments in alternative assets (AI).

Investor Survey 2023

Infrastructure 2024 Between Short-term Headwinds and Strong Long-term Tailwinds

Market study on the infrastructure asset class published with a special focus on the role of infrastructure in the portfolios of German institutional investors.

Part three: Manager selection

In our final part on the Investor Survey 2023, we take a look at what criteria investors use to select their asset managers and how they what they think of "mega managers" and "first-time managers".


Part two: Where does the capital flow?

In our second part, we take a closer look at asset allocation and where capital has been channelled compared to the INvestor Survey 2022.

Part One: What drives the industry?

The BAI has once again published its Investor Survey. In a short video series, we would like to summarise the core results briefly and concisely. The first part starts with an assessment of what is currently driving the industry.


BAI Private Debt Study 2023

Last year's major shifts in the financial market also had an impact on private debt. To understand this impact, BAI surveyed 109 German institutional investors on planned changes to their private debt allocation and market sentiment towards the asset class. You can read the detailed results in our latest private debt study. Together with further expert interviews in which asset managers and consultants have their say.



Venture Capital

Im Bereich der Alternative Investments werden Venture Capital (VC) Investments unter der Assetklasse Corporate Private Equity subsumiert. Im deutschsprachigen Raum werden häufig die mit Venture Capital bedeutungsgleichen Begriffe Wagniskapital oder Risikokapital verwendet. Aber welche Gründe gibt es solch ein Investment zu tätigen und wer investiert in dieser Form?

Das klären wir in diesem Video!


Investments in Infrastrukturprojekte weisen vielfältige und unterschiedliche Charakteristika auf. Auf diese wollen wir in diesem kurzen Video eingehen und klären, wie sich Infrastrukturinvestments unterscheiden lassen, wer in Infrastruktur investiert und wieso.

Corporate Private Debt

Private Debt gehört zu den populärsten alternative Investments. Aber was ist Private Debt genau, wer investiert in Private Debt, wieso investiert man in Private Debt und welche Investmentstrategien gibt es? All das klären wir in diesem Video.

What's more to expect in 2023? - A GPs perspective among BAI members

Part One: Macroeconomics

The GPs interviewed comment on the currently prevailing issues from the macroeconomic environment and express their expectations for the future.

Part Two: Private Equity and Debt

An analysis of the expected development of private equity and debt for the 2023.

Part Three: Alternative assets in detail

An analysis of the expected development of the other alternative asset classes for 2023.

Part Four: ESG investing

An analysis about what distinguishes GPs and LPs in Terms of ESG investing in 2023.

Alternative Investments 2023

These 3 asset classes are the clear profiteers of the current situation!

From the BAI's latest analyses, three clear beneficiaries of the current phase of high inflation and rising key interest rates emerge. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. We look at the reasons why these three asset classes, of all things, are doing so well and highlight the dangers that could accompany them.


Alternative Investments 2022

Why do alternative investments remain robust?

Despite all the adversities that 2022 had in store for the financial markets, alternative investments seem to be more stable than their traditional counterparts. Let's take a look at the question: Why is that? Please also read our article "Alternative Investments remain robust - despite competition from rising bond yields".


Investor Survey 2022 Videos

What do institutional Investors think about ESG?

If you could describe the private markets of 2022 in just one word, it would probably be "ESG". Sustainable finance is not just a new trend, but a new investment lifestyle. 
In our annual investor survey, we asked German and European institutional investors and asset managers what they think about ESG. Why do they pursue an ESG strategy or why don't they pursue it.  


How does the current inflation influance the asset allocation?

The year 2022 is plagued with many crises: the war in Ukraine, high inflation, energy shortages and climate change. Enormous upheavals are taking place in our society. We asked our members how their portfolio and their SAA will change under these circumstances, or if there will be a change at all. We have summarised our results in a short video.


This distinguishes insurance companies from the avarage investor!

In our last video regarding our Investor Survey 2022, we wanted to take a closer look at three special types of investors: Insurers, pension funds and pension funds. What makes them different from the average investor and why? The results were quite surprising!


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