Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Sabine Mahnert, Abteilungsleiterin Kapitalanlagen, Evangelische Zusatzversorgungskasse in Darmstadt (EZVK)
Sabine Mahnert has been head of the investment department of the Evangelische Zusatzversorgungskasse in Darmstadt (EZVK) since January 2020. In this function, she is responsible for all liquid and illiquid asset classes as well as investment controlling. Prior to that, she worked for Willis Towers Watson as a senior investment consultant for seven years, where she built up the fiduciary management division in Frankfurt. In the 2000s, she spent five years each at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in the strategy department (pension funds), where she was also responsible for building up fiduciary management. Between 2010 and 2012, Ms. Mahnert worked for the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für betriebliche Altersversorgung e.V. and is a member of the Expert Committee on Capital Investment and Regulatory Affairs until 2020.