Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Stream 1+2

9:00 - 9:05am

Opening Remarks and Moderation

Dr. Philipp Bunnenberg, Head of Alternative Markets, BAI e.V.


9:05 - 9:50am

Investors Panel

Matthias Briem, Investment Management, Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung

Moderation: Michael Busack, Managing Director and Editor, Absolut Research GmbH

9:50 - 10:20am

Inflation-protected investments: The role of energy infrastructure in volatile times

  • The recent period of high inflation has been a stress test for various asset classes and sectors.
  • An analysis of the performance data during this period and over the last two decades shows that Energy Infrastructure offers above-average protection against inflation.
  • The presentation will show which business models are particularly resilient in an inflationary environment and how institutional investors can benefit from this.

Tobias Griesshaber, Head Performance Measurement & Investment Controlling, Managing Director, Energy Infrastructure Partners

10:20 - 10:50am


Stream 1

10:50 - 11:30am

Panel: European infrastructure middle market - Opportunities and challenges in the equity and debt area

Mattis Krasberg, Director, Arjun Infrastructure
Max-Fabian Glöckner, Produktmanager Alternative Investments, Helaba Invest
Maximilian Cosack, Head of Private Assets, HUK-COBURG Asset Management GmbH

Moderation: Dr. Peter Brodehser, Partner Infrastructure Investments DWS, Member of the board BAI e.V.

11:30 - 11:55am

Speech on Digital Infra

Werner Kerschl, Executive Director Infrastructure, IFM Investors







11:55am - 12:20pm

Data centers as the backbone of the AI revolution: opportunities and risks of an emerging asset class

Philipp v. Bismarck, Managing Partner DTCP and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, United Internet AG

Stream 2

10:50 -11:30am

Panel: The Future of Sustainable Timber Investments

Céline Claudon, Chief Commercial Officer, International Woodland Company (IWC)
Jyri Hietala, CEO, UB Nordic Forest Management Ltd.
Jasper Renk, Senior Investment Manager Illiquid Assets Natural Capital, MEAG

Moderation: Marco Stigler-Thomas, Director, bfinance


11:30  -11:55am

The order of the day – invest anti-cyclically in real estate and benefit from current market developments

  • What market cycle are we currently in and why is this currently a market opportunity?
  • Why can the real estate crisis also be an opportunity?
  • What aspects need to be considered when selecting real estate investments at the moment? 

Bernd Haggenmüller, Senior Managing Director, ARDIAN
Nico Rheims, Managing Director, ARDIAN

11:55am - 12:20pm

Playing Today's Real Estate Market: The Benefits of a Net Lease Strategy

Gary Rozier, Managing Director, Blue Owl

12:20 - 1:30pm


Stream 1

1:30 - 1:55pm

Structuring long-term real asset investments – with AIF solutions and renewable energies

  • Investor-oriented solutions in the area of structuring
  • How can duration, tax and risk appetite be packaged?
  • The range of possible investment offers in the renewable energies asset class

Vanessa Meinker, Organisation and Compliance, Dr. Peters Group
Dennis Gaidosch, Portfolio Management Renewable Energies, Dr. Peters Group

1:55 - 2:35pm

Keynote: Trump reloaded

Dr. Heinz-Werner Rapp, Founder, Head Steering Board, FERI Cognitive Finance Institute 


2:35 - 3:15pm

Workshop: Benchmarking of Private Markets Investments

Philippe Jost, PhD, Managing Director, Capital Dynamics


3:15 - 3:40pm

Hybrid debt as an innovative and emerging market segment in European Infrastructure Debt

Damien Gardes, Co-Head Infrastructure Debt, Schroders Capital

Stream 2

1:30 -1:55pm

Investing in Energy Transition in Growth Markets

Lucy Heintz, Head of Energy, Actis






1:55  -2:35pm

Panel: ELTIF 2.0 for institutional investors

Suraj Kakar, Vice President Revenue, Portagon GmbH
Marco Simonis, Partner, Clifford Chance
Max Sergelius, Team Head Product Legal, Aquila Capital Investmentgesellschaft mbH
Moderation: Sina Nennstiel, BAI e.V.

2:35 - 3:15pm

Panel: Municipal Infrastructure

Dr. Tobias Brosze, Managing Partner, Palladio Kommunal
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Degenhart, Member of the Executive Committee, Verband Deutscher Treasurer e.V.
Hans-Christian Fröhlich, member of the Ingelheim City Council and the steering group of the “Mainz-Bingen Energy Cell” infrastructure project

3:15 - 3:40pm

Decarbonization of Heat - the "sleeping" giant of the energy transition 

  • The role of heat in energy related emissions
  • Pathways to decarbonize heat
  • Investable case study: heating system optimization in multi-family buildings

Sebastian Carneiro, CEO, Solas Capital

3:40 - 4:10pm


Stream 1+2

4:10 - 4:50pm

Keynote: How changing market conditions are redefining the role of infrastructure investment strategies and portfolio conduction

Gianluca Minella, Managing Director, Head of Research, InfraRed Capital Partners Limited , former Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA)


4:50 - 5:30pm

The LP Perspective: Lessons Learned - Review 2024 & Outlook 2025

Sascha Pinger, Managing Director, Versorgungswerk der Wirtschaftsprüfer und der vereidigten Buchprüfer im Lande Nordrhein-Westfalen (WPV) 
Jana Desirée Wunderlich, Board Member, Hannoversche Kassen

Moderation: Manuela M. Fröhlich, Co-Founder and Partner, Fondsfrauen

5:30 - 7:00pm

Closing Remarks and Get-together

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