Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Tobias Griesshaber, Energy Infrastructure Partners
Tobias Griesshaber joined EIP in 2018 and, as Head of Performance Measurement & Investment Controlling, is now responsible for the digitalization, portfolio management and performance controlling of investments. With a fifteen-year background in energy infrastructure, as a member of the EIP Executive Board he is responsible for portfolio construction and reporting to investors, in addition to chairing the ESG Investment Committee and sitting on the Investment Committee.
He represents the interests of investors as Chairman in two portfolio companies, which are among the largest onshore wind farms in Europe, and has broad experience in power supply and renewable energy related project and investment management. Prior to joining EIP, Mr. Griesshaber worked for a leading German utility in Hamburg, where he held key positions in the development, construction and operation of large project-financed construction projects, particularly in the offshore wind sector.
Mr. Griesshaber holds a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, including academic stints at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and the University of Technology in Sydney.