Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Muzinich & Co (Ireland) Limited Niederlassung Deutschland

Neue Mainzer Str. 20
D-60311 Frankfurt
Contact Person
Lars König und Clemens Bertram
+49 69 153 25 7044 und 069 153 257 055
New York
London, Manchester, Dublin, Genf, Madrid, Mailand, Paris, Singapur, Zürich, Frankfurt, New York, Florida, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo
Year of establishment
Active in Germany since
Managing director/board member
George M. Muzinich (Founder and Executive Chairman) Justin Muzinich (CEO)

Muzinich & Co. was founded in New York in 1988 by George Muzinich as an independent asset manager for corporate credit. The active asset manager for corporate bonds and credits draws on over 35 years of experience in the management of high-yield bonds. In addition to absolute return strategies, the product range of Muzinich & Co. includes - based on a team approach and prudent risk control -  high yield, cross over and short duration strategies with a focus on the US, Europe and emerging markets in publicly traded instruments. In addition, Muzinich & Co. also offers investments in private debt instruments and aviation financing.The investment approach of Muzinich & Co. focuses on a careful bottom-up analysis of all potential companies and investments by the investment team. This investment team consists of portfolio managers, analysts, risk specialists and traders. Muzinich has a well-founded and recognized expertise in company analysis and portfolio management. Muzinich & Co. attaches particular importance to transparency in all investment decisions and prudent risk control. Capital preservation always has the highest priority. Worldwide, the institutional asset manager manages client assets of 36 billion US dollars (as of June 30, 2023) in various investment vehicles, including 15 UCITS funds. Muzinich employs a total of 248 staff in New York, Dublin, Geneva, Singapore, Florida, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Zurich, Milan, Madrid and Manchester, 114 of whom are on the investment and risk team.

USD 36.0 bn AuM (per 30.06.2023)
Assets in the field of AI
USD 4.4 bn (per 30.06.2023)
Number of employees
248 (including in the AI area: 51)
Regional focus
Europe, US, Asia
Target group
Institutional investors & Wholesale investors
(Supervisory) registration at / since
BaFin registered since 2005
BAI-Member since
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