Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Heike Schmitz, Herbert Smith Freehills
Heike Schmitz is a partner at Herbert Smith Freehills and heads the ESG department for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa with a colleague from Spain. She regularly advises funds, asset managers, and investors on investments, investment processes, general regulatory issues, and the integration of sustainability aspects, focusing on impact investing and alternative investments. She has more than 17 years of experience in the financial industry as in-house counsel at Generali and external legal counsel at various law firms. Heike Schmitz is a member of the ESG Committee of the European private equity association Invest Europe. She has also supported the work of the Insurance Development Forum for several years, most recently as Co-Chair of the IDF Infrastructure Taskforce. The Insurance Development Forum is a global association of insurers and public partners that deals with the consequences of climate change for developing and emerging countries.