Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Susanne Bregy, BIII
Having worked for many years for traditional private equity and hedge funds, Susanne Bregy started to focus on impact investing when she founded Rhodanus Capital, an impact investing consultant, in 2012.
Since then, she has restlessly pursued her vision of bringing impact investing into the mainstream, working with asset managers, institutional investors, families and foundations.
After heading the impact investing team at Phineo gAG from 2021 until 2024, where she focused on impact measurement and management (IMM) and on impact investment advisory, she took over the role of CEO at the German Impact Investing Association (Bundesinitiative Impact Investing Bundesinitiative Impact Investing (bundesinitiative-impact-investing.de). Her focus continues to lie on mainstreaming the holistic investment approach of impact investing as well as on financing the desperately needed real economy transformation.
Susanne Bregy grew up in Switzerland, studied Philosophy and Business Administration in Munich, lived and worked in London and New York and is now based in Frankfurt.