Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Jens Siebert, KPMG

Jens Siebert is a partner at KPMG and advises banks on strategic, operational and regulatory issues in corporate banking as well as securities and capital markets business. His advisory services focus on the development of DLT-based business models (including DLT securities, custody, register management) and their operational implementation. Jens Siebert is one of the pioneers of regulated DLT financial services in Germany and has, among other things, established one of the first authorised crypto custodians and driven various tokenisation projects to market maturity. 

As an expert, Jens Siebert has accompanied key legislative processes for DLT-based financial services at national and European level and contributed his experience as an expert in the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag and in dialogue with federal ministries and supervisory authorities. 

Before joining KPMG, Jens Siebert was co-founder and COO of Kapilendo, where he was responsible for the development of a Europe-wide financing platform for SMEs and built DLT-based business models together with banks and regulated market participants. With Kapilendo Custodian AG, Jens Siebert has established the second fully regulated institution for the custody of crypto assets in Germany and integrated it into a leading private bank and custodian as part of an M&A transaction. He also began his career over 10 years ago at KPMG in management consulting.

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